Frac Blender

Fracturing blending unit (mobile blending unit, frac blender) is a trailer mounted unit for the purpose of mixing fracturing fluids with chemicals and proppant. The total trailer mounted fracturing blender is designed to provide low/high rate fracture slurry to fracture pumps through open tub blending system. It is the most vital element of the frac system. Because of the advanced electronics and superior hardware, these units deliver high levels of durability and efficiency in mixing stimulation fluids, proppant and chemicals.
Fracturing blending unit is configured with hydraulic close and open loop driven components, Mission sand master discharge pump, Mission or Garmin Rupp suction centrifugal pump, discharge mixing tub paddle system, micro motion chemical flow meters, integrated automatic control system and dry chemical volumetric feeders.
We offer various fracturing blending units (mobile blending units, frac blenders), typical products are as below:
(1) HSC210
(2) HS360
(3) Frac Blender Skid
(4) Trailer Mounted Frac Blender
(5) Frac Blender Truck
- Data Van
As core monitoring equipment for on-line fracturing, fracturing data van can real-timely collect, display, record related data and information about various pumping and well parameters. Besides, it can analyze and manage this information such as to realize central control on several fracturing pumpers. Adopting international sta...
- Hydration Unit
During hydraulic fracturing, hydration unit is used for preparation of water base gels with power gelling agent. Through hydration, different frac base fluids (gels) can be transferred to the blender for crosslinking. This hydration unit for gas well fracking is capable of working in extreme climates from arctic to desert and tr...