Batch Cement Mixing Equipment

Batch cement mixing equipment is an economical unit for producing homogenous cement slurry for oil well cementation. Petrokh’s fracturing-used cementing skid is mobile unit equipped with recirculation mixer, so it can thoroughly wet apply bulk cement as material. In this unit, there equipped circulating and discharge centrifugal pumps so that the slurry can be mixed in one tank while discharged from the other. Besides, our design of batch cement mixing equipment allows slurry to be mixed in and discharged from the same tank.
As the increasing technology demand of cement work, the unit performance also advanced higher standard. Slurry batch cement mixing equipment is one of the examples. It is design for high density, small fluctuation to meet the demand of cement work. Compared with other mixing units, Petrokh’s fracturing-used cementing skid has the features of wide density range (especially high density), high density precision, continuous and batch mixing. This technology is accepted by more and more oil field users and applied in cement work.
1. Batch cement dispensing units are ideal for either remote or local conditions.
2. It is used to feed mixers and batch plants with cement, lime or fly-ash on a consistent basis.
- Skid Mounted Cementing Equipment
Skid mounted cementing equipment mainly consists of engine, hydromechanical transmission, horizontal triplex plunger pump, blending system, manifold system, and hydraulic/air control system. Two forms of pumps are available in the cementing units: single engine single pump and double engine double pump. Mixing system can be an i...
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As the core product of cementing equipments, the truck mounted cementing unit has been most widely used for decades. At present, the chassis of domestic and foreign brands are mainly utilized, such as Volvo, Benz, MAN, Kenworth, North Benz, etc., with main drive modes of 6 × 6, 8 × 4 and 8 × 6. Based upon different operating con...